Vapecode VC35G Vaporizer

vc35 vaporizer

The VC35 Vaporizer by chinese ecig manufacturer Vapecode is their first real portable herb vaporizer. I have to admit, it doesn’t look super innovative at first and surely the VC35 is not the reinvention of the wheel, but still this is a super interesting vaporizer in my humble opinion.

The VC35 comes with a a tiny micro-bubbler and a silicone watertool adapter, which is also the regular mouthpiece. This company seems to know quite well what we want and they deliver it.

At the moment, this is by far the cheapest option to get a vaporizer with a watertool adapter! Furthermore, I like the 14mm micro-bubbler more than my Pinnacle Pro Hydratube, because this one is indeed spillproof and you won’t suck in any water due to the little glass straw at the top of the bubbler. No more wet lips! Also it’s much more portable. Actually, this has entirely replaced my F-Bomb bubbler at the moment, which is much more expenisve than the whole VC35 set.

The vaporizer itself looks like a longer version of the popular pax. That’s my biggest issue with the VC35 to be honest. I think people will believe that it is just another pax clone. However, they have not very much in common. The VC35 is much more simple and the oven of the VC35 is right under the silicone mouthpiece and not at the bottom of the device. It doesn’t feel cheap though like many other chinese vaporizers I have tested. Quality-wise it reminds me on the Flowermate series.

The VC35 vaporizer has three temperature settings (360, 380, 420°F) which all make sense to me. Actually I feel stupid that I have to say this, but in fact that’s not always the case with vaporizers designed and build in China.

The steel herb chamber does look very small, but surprisingly it easily takes 0,2g of grinded herbs (needs to be packed tight!). The VC35 does not heat up super fast, but it gets the job done within a minute.

Before I have used the VC35 for the first time, I’ve done a couple of burnoffs, but I think that wasn’t really necessary. At first there was a slight smell (only smell, no bad taste!), but it only came from the silicone mouthpiece and not from within the unit. It’s the same material that was used for the Xmax mouthpiece by the way.

The taste is actually quite good and clean and it does produce a lot of vapor. Even on 380°F you can milk the small bubbler and blow out huge clouds. I’m impressed and I haven’t expected it to be that good to be honest.

I can recommend the VC35 vaporizer to everyone who is looking for the cheapest solution to connect a vaporizer to a watertool. Such units are normally very expensive, not so the VC35. It’s a real bargain, imho. For some units even the watertool adapter is more expensive than the whole VC35 set and you also get a portable bubbler on top, which is actually quite good.

However, please ask your retailer if they really have the version with the micro bubbler. As far as I know there is a second edition of the VC35 with a regular pax-style mouthpiece and a ceramic oven! So better make sure that you will recieve the correct model, I have. I can’t vouch for the other one.

Price:       5.0/5.0
Vapor:      4.0/5.0
Quality:    4.5/5.0
Mobility:   5.0/5.0

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